Several years ago, a friend recommended Pastor Prince’s sermons to me. I listened to his sermons on television a few times but felt there was nothing special about them. However, one day, his sermon about Mary and Martha touched me. I realized that I was like Martha, who was busy with many things but missed the most important one thing—resting to listen to God’s words.

I began to watch more of Pastor Prince’s sermons on YouTube. I woke up early at 7 a.m. to listen to his broadcast on television. I was amazed by his preaching about grace and was eager to learn more. So I listened to Pastor Prince’s sermons every day, resting in God’s words.

I’d never involved God in my life this way before I learned about the gospel of grace. I thank God and Pastor Prince for helping me understand that I’m righteous in Christ and can have His unmerited favor in many areas of my life.

In 2021, my family emigrated to another country. My parents and siblings were bewildered that we made such a move, giving up good salaries and careers. With God’s blessings, we’ve experienced peace from Him, even when we’re supposed to be stressed out from resigning from our jobs, selling our home, finding new accommodation in a foreign country, arranging school placements for our children, and adjusting to a different culture.

In these 2 years, I’ve experienced so much of God’s unmerited favor and love. My husband was able to find a job in his profession during the pandemic soon after we emigrated. My children were admitted into good schools where they are settling well. My health problems are also gone. All glory to God and our Lord Jesus!


Anonymous  |  Great Britain

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